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City Council Minutes 04/11/2002
APRIL 11, 2002
6:00 PM

Roll Call:  Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli PRESENT

Mayor called meeting to order.   Mayor read Proclamations for Medical Laboratory Week, Domestic Violence Survivor Day, and Barbershop Harmony Week

1.  City Manager said he would discuss with Comptroller Bea O
2.  The quarterly Employee Forum, which is a roundtable open mike type of meeting, was held at the City garage during a lunch hour last week, and was greatly attended.  Mr. Salomone said he would also receive e-mail from City employees, and hoped to have a computer in the employee lunchroom at the City garage for use by any City employee who did not have access to the City
3.  Parking Program
Mr. French, 33 Mattie Street
Lynette French, 33 Mattie Street
The Mayor said that there was a resolution (11M) that was to be added to the agenda, if that was acceptable to Council.  Council unanimously agreed.

Communications read.


Bond Ordinance #4
Bond Ordinance #5
Council Resolution #61
these proposals and the costs incurred.   He felt he could not support everything on the list.  He firmly believes Council should form a priority list and work from there.  Councilor McNabb agreed with him.  Mayor said by handling it this way, Council got more information to form concrete designs for future projects.  Councilor Dempsey said he felt as long as there were no costs involved, he would go along with it.  Vijay Mital said he would seek further funding.  The Mayor said some funding for some of the project was already in place, and to not continue with it, was a slap in the face to the people who worked so hard to secure our funding in Albany.  Councilor Dempsey said he felt all of the projects lists were great ideas, but he was not fond of the shotgun approach.  He felt specifics should be decided, before continuing.  Mr. Mital said the City stands a better chance of further funding if all the ideas are listed as projects.
Mayor discussed the National League of Cities Renovation Programs and the future address by the Hyatt-Palmet group.  Mike Long explains about the Partners for Livable Community meetings to be held May 13 and 14.  Bill Fulton from Los Angeles will be here to give information and his ideas.  PASSED.

Councilor Resolution #62 -  Approve Salary Increases for the Auburn Housing Authority  Employees, Executive Director, and Authority Counsel
Appointment Resolution #63
Resolution #64
Award Resolution #65
Councilor Hunter questioned the number of sidewalks to be done, and questioned how the areas were chosen.   Mr. Lupien answered both Councilors. PASSED.

Award Resolution #66
Co. for the Water Treatment Plant Phase 1 Improvements Electrical Contract rebid
Councilor Hunter said since this was a rebid and the numbers were a little better than the first, perhaps everything should be rebid.  Mayor said she felt it necessary to say she would be voting no on this resolutions, as there was only $645 difference between this
Bid and the next lowest which was an Auburn  company.  If the Home Rule legislation would pass giving preference to local business, the award would have been kept locally.  Since this is not law, the work will be going to a Syracuse firm.  Since she would like to keep as much work locally as possible, she felt she had to vote no on this resolution.

Award Resolution #67
Award Resolution #68
Council Resolution #69
Councilor Resolution #70
ED. Councilor Resolution #71
Award Resolution #72 of family connection.   PASSED.

Council Resolution #73
Quality Review Act For the City
Councilor McNabb discussed the letter he got in the mail regarding the Amnesty Program for Parking Tickets.  He said he was paying the ticket, and would have paid it earlier if he had remember or been notified.  He said he felt the City needed a better system than sending out reminders every 10 years.  Manager said he hoped with the new computerized system letters would be going out in a more timely fashion.  Mayor asked about cars getting booted under the new program.

Call for Executive Session.  Executive Session starts at 7:55 PM; ends 8:30 PM.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM